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Scapular Dyskinesis

The shoulder is made up of four joints: the glenohumeral, scapulothoracic, acromioclavicular, and sternoclavicular, which work together to move the upper arm. Because major muscles and related structures are anchored in the scapula, the shoulder blade, or scapula, is an important role in correct shoulder movement. When diagnosing a patient with shoulder pain, however, a problem with the scapula is simple to overlook.

The main reason the scapula is ignored is that when its position or mobility is disrupted, a condition known as scapular dyskinesis, the patient may not feel pain or discomfort at first. However, even if the issue is initially asymptomatic, incorrect scapular mobility can impact the rest of the shoulder’s motion, leading to the type of painful condition that leads a patient to a doctor’s or chiropractor’s office.

Here at Columbia Basin Medical Center, we go out of our way to learn new and innovative ways to treat the most devastating conditions. Our priorities are to first treat the patient, not the disease. We work to bring you relief with an integrated approach that doesn’t solely rely on narcotics or other extremely addictive and harmful chemicals. Schedule your consultation today so we can bring you relief from pain in a healthy way!

Columbia Basin Medical Center offers medical care such as medical weight loss, personal injury treatment and migraine treatment in Kennewick, Washington. 

For your FREE consultation, call us today at 509-585-6318!

 If you are looking for pain management visit our medical center




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